Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I'm hosting Thanksgiving Dinner this year.  Here in my tiny NYC apartment several friends will gather at around 4p to feast, drink, laugh, and be thankful.   I'm doing the dinner the best way I know how: A Fresh Direct Thanksgiving!   Yay!!   Fresh Direct prepares and delivers an entire Thanksgiving dinner to your door!  That's right: veggies, cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, rolls, dessert and a mostly-cooked turkey.  The turkey has to be cooked for maybe 2 hours; everything else just needs heating up. It's all the joys of a delicious, delightful Thanksgiving dinner with about 1/4 of the work.  It's a beautiful thing.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Good food, good people, good times. Everybody celebrates it and there's nothing not to like. (Even if the original Thanksgiving story is a little suspect, we ignore it).  So, while I'm doing little things around the house to prepare for my guests, here's a few things that I'm extremely thankful for (in no particular order):

-Turkey wings, my favorite part

-My life, in general. It's fantastic, I'm much appreciative and do not take my good fortune for granted

-My sister, Phyllis (and Danny's auntie) who's one of my best friends.  The rest of my family and the good relationships we have.  I know everybody cannot say that and I'm glad that I can

-Flavored coffee

-My friends. I'm so fortunate to have such a great circle of friends who are fun, smart, and good people.  I don't dare try to list them, though, because I'm sipping on the dinner wine (gotta make sure it's right) and if I forget someone...uh-oh. But they know who they are.

-My job (and the folks) at Taylor PR. I'm new there but I kinda dig the place.

-Gummy bears, Dots, and Swedish Fish

-The Boy

-My health. It's super good, especially for an old-ish broad.

-A relatively warm November

-My shoe collection.

-My financial health. It's good.  It hasn't always been, but I'm liking the way things are looking.

-Danny, the world's cutest dog


Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I'd love to know at least one thing you're thankful for this year.  Tell me...

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