Friday, November 5, 2010

The Magic Baby

I've lived in the same building for 20 years.  A fellow Spinster has lived in my building for about that same amount of time.  A dour, unfriendly, even rude Spinster (the opposite of Spinsterlicious).  She would look through me in the elevator, pretended not to hear when I greeted her, and refused to join in the casual banter that often happens in our lobby.  I live in a friendly building so her frosty behavior is even more noticeable and more unusual.  I used to think it was personal, but another neighbor commented on how aloof this chick is.  We, laughingly, decided it was because she's not as cute as we are!

I'm speaking about her behavior in the past tense, though, because even though she still lives in the building (and Traci and I are still cute), Rude Girl seems to have had a personality transplant.  She smiled and spoke to me the other day as we passed on the street  and I almost walked into a car in my surprise.  A few days later, I saw her in the lobby and she asked me how I was doing.  Another shocker.  I didn't want to be petty, so we made cheerful small talk as we waited for the elevator.  I noticed she was pregnant so I congratulated her and asked her when she was due.  She actually had given birth six weeks before!  Ordinarily I would have been mortified that I'd made such a gaffe, but this time I thought it was kinda funny and really long overdue after her years of "I don't see you".

And here's the thing.  She really is a different person now.  Susie Sunshine these days.  Since I never wanted kids, the transformation they can have on someone is sometimes lost on me.  I do know that babies can be super-special when you really want one, but this one is a magician!

I am a little worried, though; what happens when Magic Baby goes through the proverbial "terrible twos"?  Will Mommy stop speaking to me again, go back to her former grumpy self?  This will be interesting to watch.  Stay tuned...

But really...what do you make of this?  I'm a little puzzled.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is really wierd. And also so interesting! We often hear about people having personality transplants when they first get into a new relationship and are all goo-goo eyed. But a baby? Shouldn't she be strung out on no-sleep and super b&tchy? Or wait, that's how *I* would be.

Obviously we would consider it pathetic if someone became a nicer person just because they started dating someone. Therefore, should we also find it pathetic that someone becomes a nicer person from having a baby? Or should we just be grateful that we don't get treated like a ghost in the elevator? Don't know. Well I hope she does survive the terrible twos!


Kathryn H said...

...Her body is flush with hormones.>>>?

JerseygirlinLA said...

Most likely raging hormones and lack of sleep...she's out of her mind!! Careful she may be sizing you up as a future sitter:).

Traci said...

im waiting to run into this transformed woman - hard to believe she has a friendly thing to say based on her pre-baby self. note to self: dont ask her if shes preggers

Traci said...

...and thanks for the mention! Am I famous yet?

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is one of those people who cannot be happy until they have a baby and she completed her goal and is finally relaxed and happy?

Maybe it's a case of "whew, I got what I wanted so I feel like being nicer now"??? Just taking a stab at this.

Anonymous said...

Babies are indeed magical. I've worked in hospitals for the last 10years and the meanest female doctors turn into caring, nurturing (dare I say?) pleasant people once they have a little person with whom they can goo and coo...and bore everyone else with details of dirty diapers and cheerios up the nose.