Monday, November 22, 2010

Sometimes Being Single Sucks

As you know, I like being single.  But sometimes being single sucks. And when I say "single", I don't mean "not married", I mean "not in a relationship".  I never think being unmarried sucks, but I do like having a boyfriend.

Right now is one of those times when I'm less than thrilled about being single.  Yes, I am kinda seeing someone, but it's not that serious yet. I need something serious right now because I need somebody to drag to the office Xmas party and the multitude of other business-related holiday parties I'm facing in the coming month.  I've learned the hard way that the office party is not the place to bring a "casual something". The office party is for spouses, fiances, significant others.

"The guy I see" isn't quite appropriate for this setting. Why?  Because for the rest of the year the boss will ask "How's Dave"... or worse, "Where's Dave" because by then I've moved onto to someone else, but I don't really feel like explaining it.  It can be awkward. After awhile I start to get embarrassed because there's been times when it was a different guy every office social occasion. Glad, yes, that I had guys available...but also embarrassed because I might be looking like a slut. 

But I don't really like going alone, either.  I can be a little clumsy, socially, at parties where I don't know a lot of people.  It's better when I have someone with me that can save me from myself and my awkward behavior.  So being single is about to suck soon because the office party is in a couple of weeks.

This time of year is probably the time I'm most likely to wish I could wave a magic wand and change my situation, but there are a few other times when I'd prefer not to be single:

  • A couple of months ago "something" happened in a neighboring apartment and several of her roaches found their way into my apartment.  I've always been pleased that my place was not the exaggerated, overdone stereotype of a roach-infested NYC apartment.  But, in a flash, I went from seeing maybe 1-2 roaches a year to 1-2 a day. I was not happy.  And as much smack as I can talk, I can be taken down by an insect because I am terrified of roaches.  I can barely bring myself to squash one so I usually try to drown them...which is stupid because they're not always in the sink.  Pouring water on the floor or trying to throw it on them as they scurry across the wall is, well...   So it would have been really nice to let him take care of them...if there had been a him.

  • There was a recent article in the Sunday New York Times ( about a single woman who had bedbugs and felt that having a husband would have made this more manageable.  I can relate to that.

  • Whenever I need help with electronics I have to borrow Tony, Traci's husband.  I'm afraid she (or he) may get sick of me one day.

  • In the wintertime, I don't always want to walk the dog at night in the freezing cold. That's something he could do.

I'm sure there must be other times when being single can suck, but this is all I got right now?  Can you think of any?


Linda said...

it's hard to leave the leftovers that would have fed two, or been lunch tomorrow, but you ended up eating anyway

Christina said...

It's always easier going to social events with a date for me. Not necessary but easier.

I prefer to travel with someone than alone. Traveling a lone can be stressful for me, I panick too easily.

And going thru hard times/major challenges is usually better with a partner. I was scammed bad by my handyman. He got thousands of my dollars pretending to be a contractor. To say the least this has been very stressful. It was good to have my bf there while facing him, the perp, court and all the other stresses involved. It's good to have someone to talk to about all of this.

But I encourage you to go to your parties with an open heard (I am sure you will) and I am betting you'll have a good time. Also, it's better to go as "yourself" instead of pretending you have someone, I think.

~OnTheWrongSideOfThirty~ said...

It's great to have a guy around to take out the kitchen garbage so that I don't have to. It's not that I can't do it on my own... I just don't want to!

Also, if I'm cooking and forget a key ingredient, it would be nice to have someone around who is willing to run to the store.

Now that I'm writing this, I wonder if what I need is a boyfriend or just a wife. ;-)

Josie said...

Getting the car serviced . . I never know if they're ripping me off or not. Is it necessary, for example, to flush the engine as they tried to persuade me yesterday? I said no.
I did check to see if the battery they claimed to put in was actually new. . . couldn't check anything else though.
And, picking up your motor bike for you when you drop it. . the solution is just not to ride anymore. . .

Laura said...

Car repairs are definitely a big one. When I found myself single, I couldn't do even the simplest of car repairs. Luckily, I have roadside assistance. And basic things around the house. Seriously, I'm not putting in my own ceiling fans. I'd get electrocuted.

Perhaps the biggest thing for me is when something goes wrong -- I hear a noise late at night or there are cops sitting on the street outside. I don't usually feel unsafe in my neighborhood, but when I do, I really wish that I had a guy there. I'm sure that I don't stand a chance with a bad guy, but I think guys would be ok.

Debbie said...

It would be nice to have someone to change the lights, since they are recessed in 12 ft ceilings. Even on the top rung of the ladder (scary) and on tippy toes; I can't manage and so practically lived in the dark until I finally called in the electrician. Spent my next trip money on him!

Trina said...

It would be nice to have someone repair Perth windscreens when they break. Car repairs can be such a pain without a guy around.