Saturday, October 16, 2010

Because You Can't Have a Kid-Walker

Reason #67 why being Spinsterlicious is so cool.   It was a hot Saturday after a very long week.  I was at home, sprawled on the couch, New York Times on my lap, tv remote control in my hand, and Danny-the-world’s-cutest-dog by my side.  My plan was to stay like that for most of the day.  It was perfect; nobody could bother me for anything. 


Around 11a, the phone rang.  I almost didn’t answer, but it was a number I didn’t recognize and my curiosity got the best of me.  A couple of friends were visiting from out of town and were in my neighborhood.    A few minutes later, we were having sangria at a restaurant down the street.  Just like that.  The sangria was supposed to be it because I had napping to do, a newspaper to read, and DVR’d shows to catch up on.  Somehow, though, after we left the sangria place we ended up in Battery Park City having a leisurely lunch at an outdoor restaurant.   It was really hot and I was glad I’d left the A/C on at home for Danny.

After lunch, they convinced me to take a ride upstate to Hudson, NY to pop in on another friend who was renting a summer house up there.    This was turning out to be a spectacular day: totally unplanned and a lot of fun.    By now, many hours had passed since I dashed out of the house for my adventure.  I called Mike, the guy who walks Danny during the week while I’m at work.  “Would you mind walking Danny for me?  I’m going to be out a lot longer than I expected”.   He said “yes”.    When I got home that night, I was exhausted and happy.  Danny was fine, chilling on the couch; we were happy to see each other.  It was a great day, completely spontaneous, and very fun.

And you know what? That glorious day could never have happened that way if Danny was my child instead of my dog.  Well, I guess it could have, but someone might have reported me to the authorities…because you can leave the dog alone for hours while you go out on a moment’s notice, but people get upset if you do that to your kid.   Childfree, baby.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day, not like today. And so true. And why we all love our dog walkers!

Anonymous said...

I would go a step further and say that's why I have cats instead of dogs--because they don't even need walking. = )
