Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spinsters We Love!

A guy I often see while walking my dog once said to me, somewhat apologetically, that he thinks "women who've never been married are kinda sad" .  I chuckled...until I realized he was serious.   He's going through a divorce so I decided to cut him some slack.  I merely asked him if he knew any sad married people (other than himself and his soon-to-be ex-wife).

 I thought  of several Spinsters we all know who I think have pretty great lives. Here's a few that come to mind right away:

These women are anything but sad.  I know...they're all celebrities so they're not like you and me, right?  Well, you don't have to be a celebrity to be a Spinster with a pretty great life.  There's this lady.


I'll bet you can think of more than a few Spinsters --famous or not-- who you admire (and who aren't sad).  Who are they?

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Brooklyn said...

Me!! And many of my awesome friends. One of them just came up to me in the office today to tell me if this one dude in the office asked her one more time why there isn't a ring on her finger, she was going to punch him in the throat.

When will it be as cool to be a single chick as it is to be a "bachelor?"

Well I am leaving for 2 weeks in Hawaii tomorrow and all of my married friends are jealous!



Janine said...

I'm not so much a sad spinster as a cranky one, so I would've punched that guy who said spinsters are sad.
Seriously, I think it's a constant battle to not SEEM sad in the face of so much glossy spin on marriage. Try working for a women's weekly mag with a conservative readership if you want constant validation of how very tragic and wanting you are if you're not a Mrs.
I often need to remind myself why I have chosen to be single in the face of all that negativity. Those women you name as happy spinsters, and the high-profile spinsters here in Oz (comediennes and academic types feature heavily) are people I identify with, as they are all strong women, smart women, and therefore far less likely to put up with the crap and compromises many other women have to make to maintain relationships.
I spent all last weekend being caught up in yet another spat between my far more traditional-minded flatmate and her useless, alcoholic boyfriend who treats her like crap. Would I put up with his behaviour for five minutes? Absolutely not. Yet many "happily married" women (and men) do put up with disrespect, with mental and physical abuse, because they're so tragically dependent. Let me tell you, 50% - if not more - of the marriages I know fall into the latter category.
That, my friends, makes me very happy to be single. And with all that money you save by not having a stupid big wedding? Well, you could have a fun holiday in Hawaii. Enjoy, Jen!

Anonymous said...

Australia's Prime Minister is unmarried although has a long-term partner - Julia Gillard.

:-) i0l...

Rhona said...

Well, there's me!!!!
Also, Cherlize Theron and Sanaa Lathan (I believe). Hands down, being a spinster is amazing. Come, go, do, say--on my own wiht noone to report or worry about.

MilanoGirl said...

Susan B. Anthony. Katharine Hepburn. Queen Elizabeth I. Joan of Arc. St. Catherine of Siena.

I'm living in Milan right now. (Well, I'm home in Chicago visiting) but I'm planning some fake boyfriend names and stories to stave off unwanted attention when I go back. Because if you're single, you're fair game and must want a boyfriend. No, thanks, I'm good right now.

I hard remembering to remind myself that some married people are often envious of single people's lives.

Any why isn't staying single, making the right decision for yourself, celebrated more? Last week, Dov Davidoff was on Chelsea Lately, and in regards to Trace Cyrus announcement that he was going to be a father, Dov said, "we have Mother's Day,we have Father's Day...can we have a day that celebrates self-restraint...National Pull-Out Day"

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to be single and I don't want someone disrupting my peaceful life! I have enough to take care of now. Plenty of people think I am a wierdo, so what. And there have been people who have practically fallen off thier chair when they found out I have never been married. I came to a point where I couldn't stand the misery of it all and just wanted to be happy. For some people they meet someone, fall in love, blah blah. With me I would meet someone and it always turned to such crap. I decided to start thinking more about me, to do what I felt like and not worry about what was the right thing to do. No regrets. Plenty of men I knew could just go out and do what ever, for fun. So I did. Its been a long time now cause I am 59 and I made this peaceful happy life style change when I was about 36. I am not sad, I don't hate kids or men and I do have cats...and a dog.