Saturday, August 13, 2011

My Spinsterlicious Vacation

Aaaah.  It's been a fantastic week here in Martha's Vineyard, away from "real life", enjoying beach, sun, good people, and "the art of doing nothing" as my friend, Angie calls it.  I could become really good at this...if it wasn't for that pesky thing called Work that I need to get back to. GoldenDoorConsulting isn't quite ready to retire me yet, so I'll be packing up tomorrow and heading back to  my favorite New York City and the somewhat less carefree side of my life.

We did this just right.  We are two houses of good friends.  House #1 (where I am) is seriously Spinsterlicious: 4 Spinsters, 2 dogs, good food, great cocktails, and a really good vibe.  House # 2 is a bit more active, with 3 married couples, 2 divorcees, and all their kids.  Except for the logistics of the house composition, that's where the importance of the demographics ends.  We're all great friends and the married/not married/kids/no kids thing disappears when we're just hangin'.

The pace is slow-and-easy, and the beaches are scenic.

In New York City, which is so full of life and bright lights, the sun and the moon are kinda taken for granted. We don't give them a lot of thought because our skies are always lit up.  Here, we were treated to a show of beauty every night.

 Lots of wildlife.  The cutest, of course, are Danny and Monty...followed by the seagull from the beach, and the bunny who visited us every day.  We were a little more wary of the fellow in the bottom right frame.  If you look closely, you can see that's a skunk.  (I probably could have gotten closer for a better picture...but then I thought "maybe not a good idea").

And what's a vacation without lots of good food and drink?  (Well, to me, it wouldn't be a vacation).  The big pot on the stove?  The guys went fishing one morning and so a big ole fish fry was had that night!

And people in funny hats.  Me, on the left, and Larry David on the right.  Blurred photo, but it really is him.  I wanted to get a better shot, but he kind of glared at me and I chickened out.  I did not want to be the fodder for an episode of   Curb Your Enthusiasm

And what about you, Dear Reader?  How's your summer going?  I'd love to hear about one fun thing you've done this summer. Something that made you smile.  (And I'd really love it if you included a picture.)

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Oh yeah.  And don't forget to visit  The Spinsterlicious Life SHOP!


Constance Burris said...

ONe fun thing I did this summer....Hmmm..... NOthing... just enjoyed life with a little bit of string free nooky thrown in. LOL!

Martha's Vineyard looks beautiful!!! NIce pics.

eleanore said...

@Constance: I'd say "a little string-free nooky" is worth a smile!

Traci Marie Wolf said...

What I love about your vacation is that you are taking advantage of vacationing close to home. I've been trying to enjoy my city even when I'm not on vacation. The pictures that I've seen of Martha's Vineyard (yours included) are beautiful. As far as pictures of something fun I've done, I live in San Diego so just about everyday is beautiful and fun. Check out these pics.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I'm so envious. I went to school in Boston (ages ago) and never once set foot on Cape Cod. But I can tell how beautiful it truly is in your photo. And what fun to run into Larry David (one of my favorite show right now). As for me, no summer vacation plans, just work, work, work and blogging right here in San Diego (not too shabby), but my vacation is delayed until October when I'll be going to a family reunion in Key West. I'll send a picture then!
Don't you just love Lady Bloggers Tea Party?!

Solitary Diner (Also Known as The Frugalish Physician) said...

Sounds like a fabulous vacation! I haven't done much this summer that has made me smile, but I hope to change that all when I head out to the Rocky Mountains in a few weeks.