Friday, April 8, 2011

My Spinsterlicious Freedom!

I lost my job on March 4.   It's been a month and a few days and I'm a bit disturbed to admit that I'm enjoying having this time off!  It's a little embarrassing, really; I should be more upset.  It makes me sound like a real slacker, doesn't it?   

Here's the deal: I've been working since I was 15.  I'm tired.  While I've had lots of time off in my lifetime, it's usually a vacation so I'm traveling.  This is the first time that I've had an entire month of doing nuthin. 

Of course there are a few things that aren't great about not having a job:
  •  Ummm...the money thing.
  • Going on job interviews.  I've been extremely fortunate to have lots of interviews; I realize that.  The problem is that I have to tell the same story over and over again at each one while trying to sound interested and excited and convincing like I didn't just have this same conversation the day before. 
  • Busying myself when my cleaning lady comes.   (No, of course I didn't fire her. I would have to be close to homeless to fire my cleaning lady.  I don't have a single cleaning gene in my body).  She comes too early (9a) when I'm still wandering around in my pjs.  Then I have to throw something on and leave the house because I feel ridiculous sitting around on my butt while someone else cleans my apartment.  So I have to leave.

Here's why I'm having such a good time being unemployed:
  • Going to bed when I feel like it.  When I work, I need a full 7-8 hours sleep, so I try to be in bed by 11p whether I want to or not.  No more.  I go to bed when I'm sleepy.  I like it.
  • Getting up in the morning when I want to. I schedule my interviews for the afternoon so I can sleep in.
  • I've cleared out my DVR!   Plus, I'm watching all kinds of delicious junk on TV.  (I don't know who I love more: Judge Judy or Judge Mathis).
  • This has been a real boon to my social life because I can now go out every night if I want to.  Ordinarily, I don't want to go out too many nights during the week and I certainly don't want to drink that often, but now I can... and do.
  • Long, leisurely lunches. 
  • Long, leisurely walks with the dog
  • There's no Sunday night meltdown.  I used to dread Sunday nights because, when work stopped being good, I'd get that ugly feeling in the pit of my stomach when I thought about having to go back in.
  • I was able to get away with not loaning a friend some money.  I generally think loaning money is a bad idea and this would have really been a bad idea, but I might have done it anyway because it was so pathetic.  But, I have no job so I can't possibly, right!?  (Whew).
  • And lastly, the best thing about this?  Being the Spinsterlicious lady that I am, being unemployed affects no one but me!  I don't have to worry or feel guilty about the husband and children I don't have who might have been relying on the money that's not coming in. 
It's all good. (I know, I know.  I need to find a job at some point)

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Josie said...

Oh you sloth, eleanore! Enjoy! And good luck with the job hunting.
Josie x

Anonymous said...

Wow, sorry you lost your job. But kudos for enjoying the up sides!

I laughed at the part about having to get dressed and leave the house when the cleaning woman comes--my mom used to have a cleaner and she would do the same thing! Because it is wierd to sit around while someone else cleans your toilets.

Though you could also sit around busying yourself with paperwork (bleah).

Anonymous said...

Love you "E" do you to the max while you can! Dana

Rhona said...

you obviously set yourself up nicely financially where you can use this time as you want. to that I say kudos! fantastic. good luck job hunting.
i totally understand that Sunday night dread feeling. i have been experiencing it for the last 6 years.
also, i am all about hiring services you need to make your life easier. number 1 for me is cleaning. man, cleaning and moving are my 2 dreaded tasks. good luck.

The New York Escapist said...

I'd say sorry about the job but it sounds like you are happier without! let's catch up in May! alison h

eleanore said...

Thanks for the good wishes, all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I find something I'll love...soon. I'm sure not working can get old pretty fast!

Anonymous said...

Am a new reader and am happy to be here. Got laid of in '08 and I definitely feel your pain about the job loss.

I haven't been blessed to have interviews, but I do have an idea for you. To break up the monotony of answering the same questions over and over, pretend you are a movie star on a press junket for your latest film. You know how interviewers always ask the same things over and over? Just think of them as reporters who are privileged enough to hear your fantastic story. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to sign my name to my post.


P.S. The blog is wonderful to read. I am happily single and childfree and this blog is fun to read. Thanks.

Cham said...

The best time to lose your job is the start of springtime. You're in the sweet spot. Enjoy.