Sunday, January 16, 2011

But I Don't Wanna Be a Scorpio!

Drawing Courtesy of

I know you all have seen the recent hoopla about the re-jiggering of the zodiac signs due to something having to do with the rotation of the Earth's axis (or something like that), and resulting in the addition of a 13th sign, Ophiuchus.  I can't even pronounce that so, fortunately, this has turned out to be much ado about nothing...not really we can all calm down.   And thank goodness, because this would have caused the changing of my sign from Sagittarius to Scorpio, and the complete uprooting of my sense of self. 

According to horoscope philosophy, Sagittarians love adventure, travel, and philosophy and that describes me to a "T".   Travel is my passion and I want to go everywhere.  I've also been known to drive more than a few people crazy with my desire to over-analyze and re-analyze just about anything.   And we are independent...sometimes to a fault.  When I was younger (and dumber) I had a hard time asking for help, even when I didn't know WTF I was doing.   I really needed to figure it out by myself.   Fortunately I outgrew that.   Now, I'm willing to let just about anybody do just about anything for me so I don't have to do it myself.    A complete 180.   Interestingly, I have a book that analyzes horoscopes by the day.   It says that people born on my birthday rarely get married (!) due, at least in part, to a streak of independence that is so ridiculously fierce that they can't figure out how to include someone else. 

Sagittarians are known to be good, honest people , but are often looked upon as being socially awkward because they are too darn blunt for their own good (or for anyone else's).   Foot-in-mouth disease is something many of us suffer with because we have a tendency to say what we're thinking before we run it through the mind's filter of "maybe you should just hold off".   I've relied on my zodiac sign many times to excuse my bad behavior because "I can't help it, it was ordained by the stars!"

So, when I first read this news that my new zodiac sign would be Scorpio, I wasn't happy.   Scorpios are known for being intense, powerful, and passionate, but also secretive.   I don't like secretive people, and I find intense people too...well, intense.   Was I now going to have to become the kind of person I don't even like?   How was that supposed to work?

Fortunately, before I spent too much time figuring out my new personality, a new spate of news told us all to "relax, you're the same zodiac sign you've always been".  So I'm back to being the same old independent, too blunt (but hopefully less so) soul I've always been..and I'm just delighted about that.   (Just imagine how this would have turned my world upside down if I actually believed in astrology!)

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Anonymous said...

As a fellow Sagittarius, I REALLY want to know the name of this book that breaks the horoscopes down to the day. Please share the title.

eleanore said...

@Anonymous: The book is The Secret Language of Birthdays. Pretty interesting...whether you're a believer or not!