Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adult Kids as Babysitters?

While walking to work the other morning, I passed by WEtv studio, home of the new   "Joan Knows Best"  show.   There was a huge billboard and a slew of young women passing out leaflets promoting the show about Joan Rivers moving in with her daughter, Melissa.

When I heard the premise of the show, I was stumped.  Why in the world was Joan moving in?  If she was doing it purely for showbiz reasons, I guess I get it (kinda) but it still seemed ridiculous. 

When I think of a parent moving in with an adult child, I assume it's because one of them needs major help with something.  Say, adult child has triplets and mom's moving in to lend a hand.  Or mom doesn't have sufficient retirement savings and is broke.  Or one of them has a serious health issue. But none of these scenarios seemed to be the case here.

Joan and Melissa have more than a truckload of money, so I know they could afford however many nannies or nurses they need.  And they live in pretty amazing spaces so I know they're not broke; they could sell  2/3 of their stuff and still live more fancily than most of us.  So it's not about the money.  

So why in the world is Joan moving in with Melissa, her 10-year old son, and her boyfriend??  Then, it dawned on me:  Joan is lonely. 

Being a celebrity is I hear.  And so says Joan in her recent documentary, A Piece of Work.  It's common sense, really: all the fame and fortune in the world can't keep you from being lonely.  So Joan is killing two birds with one stone:  moving in with her daughter and grandson --her best friends and only real family--  and filming it for a money-making reality show.  Pretty smart, I'd say.

Then, it got me to thinking:  What poor soul will I force myself on when I'm old and lonely?  If I ever tire of living alone, will I be able to come up with a clever ruse that will allow me to move in with somebody?  Damn, maybe I should have had a kid. 

That last line is a joke.  If I had had a kid, I wouldn't be able to move in with her.  I wouldn't be able to move in with her because we wouldn't be on speaking terms or I'd be in the insane asylum or one of us would be in jail for doing something bad to the other. See, I believe you should only have kids if you really want them and I never really did, so I probably wouldn't have been good at it.  It could've ended badly.  So...I need to come up with another plan for my old age. 

I'm thinking, I'm thinking...

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1 comment:

Josie said...

You don't really need a plan, you have a dog! And you could get another dog, then you'd have two! What fun! Just don't end up with five, like me.