Friday, August 26, 2011

A Vacation Alone. Fun or Daunting.

As I sit here waiting for Hurricane Irene to hit, I think about how unusual this all is for NYC.  The last time I was worried about a hurricane I was in Mexico on vacation.

And then I started thinking about my love for travel, in general.  And then I was reminded of how I need to get my mojo all the way back in this regard.  I travel a lot, but almost always with someone.  When I was young(er) I took a vacation alone every year.   Whether I was in a relationship with a boy or not.  Whether I had girlfriends with free vacation time or not.  I always made sure that at least one of my trips away was by myself.  Whatever fancy struck me, that's where I went.
Me, in Marbella, Spain

Many of these vacations-by-myself were to a Caribbean beach because they're easy, but not always.  I took my first trip to Europe alone.  It was very exciting, and I felt very brave and pleased with myself.

So I don't know what happened.  I haven't traveled alone (except for business) in a long time.  Last year I spent a lovely weekend in upstate New York alone, but that doesn't really count because, well, it was just a weekend…and I had my dog with me…so I wasn't really alone.

I recall that I sometimes got lonely on these trips, but there were also times when I felt happy and free and unencumbered.  Somewhere along the way I lost something.  What, though?  The thought of a vacation-by-myself doesn't sound like that much fun right now.   I sometimes want to take a trip and don't have anyone to go with.  So I don't go.  I need to stop that.  I want to get back to running off on a whim to wherever I feel like going.  By myself.

Do you vacation alone?  To where?  What "vacationing alone" tips can you share?

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Rhona said...

I vacation alone all of the time and love it. I absolutely relish my alone time. Last summer I took a long weekend and went to Niagara on the lake. I visited a friend my first night & I remember thinking, I want to cut the visit short so I can start my alone time here. I had a blissfull 3 days. I went to Cuba 2006 alone for 7 days. That was my first trip alone & the only times I missed people around me was at night in my room bc I felt I had so much to share but had no-one to talk to. But, I was fine otherwise. When I was in Germany for 3 months I travelled every single weekend alone. I know that is short but (2 days, max 4 day long weekdn) but over 3 months, that is a lot. And, I loved it. I like doing what I want, when I want, how I want. If I want to sleep in and sight-see later, I can. If I want to leave a place early b/c I didn't like it (like when I was in Köln), I left. The freedom is what I really enjoy about solo travel. I have already booked a solo trip 2012 on a European Christmas cruise going to Germany (I love it there), Austria and Czech Rep. On the heels of that, I will be heading off to Italy and then Norway on another solo trip. I don't invite my sisters or friends or anyone bc I truly and emphatically, enjoy my me time. I actually crave it and don't want to change it. I don't even date b/c I don't want to be bothered with another person around me all the time.

eleanore said...

@Rhone: Love it! Girl, you're my hero(ine). I'm trying to get back to that place...

Angie said...

I find that when I vacation alone I rarely actually vacation alone. I generally find people with similar interests by the end of day 1 and activities seem to flow from there. What I do enjoy is that I am not on anyone else's timeline but my own. If I don't feel like taking in an art museum I don't go to placate someone. If I would rather walk on the beach than sit in the bar, I don't have to beg off to go. There are for sure pluses and minuses, but I just remember I went on the vacation for ME... and I feel better!

Michael Ann said...

I admire all of you! I am only just now being able to go out alone, like to a movie or to see live music. I am married, but not happily. My good friend (divorced) told me not to wait around for someone else, to just do the things I want and go for it. She was right! I feel much better about myself and my life, not relying on another person. Still..I really would prefer to have a GOOD companion.

nassang said...

Maybe this doesn't count as traveling alone? Every year I travel to New Orleans alone during JazzFest where I stay at a hotel by myself and meet friends from all over the world for breakfast, lunch, dinner and after parties. It's a great way to experience the best of both worlds: being alone and with friends--and you get to choose!

Brooklyn said...

I travel alone, I don't love it but I would rather go alone than not go at all. And sometimes its better to go alone than with some annoying person that is difficult to travel with. I am off to Hawaii in a couple of days. And I always have a bit of dread but as my friends reminded me, I always say that and then I always have a great time. There is a spa in southern Utah called Red Mountain, that is a great place to go if you are active and on your own. Its a great place, reasonable and there's healthy food. And you can hang with people if you want, or be alone. I highly recommend it.

The world is waiting for you!

Janine said...

I find all these comments truly inspirational! I've been thinking a lot about this very topic lately. After a few tantalising "famils" (travel junkets) to stunning spots like Fiji, NZ and Cairns - always very tightly scheduled and within a group - I am ITCHING to spend more time in a tropical paradise, snorkeling and lazing about (if I'm capable of doing that!). But I never do it. Last week a journo at work told me he hired a place in the Cook Islands for 6 weeks and was so inspired, he started and almost finished writing a book, which ended up being published! He annoyed his travel buddies by ignoring them, but had the company when he really wanted it. So how's that for a plan? These days the web allows us a plethora of short-stays options at great prices. So, hire a house for a month or so in paradise, get inspired, get writing (or reading, or whatever!) and let your mates know they can lob for a few days if they feel like it. Otherwise, Skype 'em! I do often wonder if I could do Europe again independently. I love all those places Rhona mentions. She's really inspired me to reconsider that too. And stay safe from "Irene" ladies! We're thinking of you.xx

Miss Phitt said...

There are lots of benefits to holidaying alone - doing what you want above all. I prefer to travel in a huge group but this is often incredibly hard to organise; and I much prefer to travel with somebody but sometimes friends don't have the money, time or will. When I've holidayed alone I've opted for working holidays such as; grape picking in France - amazing, learning Spanish in Mexico, teaching English in Spain. I think what I want to do next is voluntary work in Africa. Enjoy!!! xx

Maiah said...

I think it's incredible that you traveled alone often when you were younger. I definitely need to do something like this for myself. My mother is a huge proponent of traveling alone, and always buffers extra time into any work trip for exploration time. I love hearing of others who do the same thing.

Lovely blog, looking forward to reading more!

Stella said...

You all are very brave, and inspiring. I, on the other hand, am a big fat chicken. However, I will try to be inspired and do some travelling alone. THis might not be a bad idea as last time i travelled with someone it turned out very poorly.
I love Nassang's idea, wish I could orchestrate something like that.

Court.Lanae said...

I just recently traveled alone to Tampa, FL. My college roommate was getting married so I decided to take advanatge of being in the beautiful Sunshine State. It was my first trip alone and I aboslutely loved it. Many of my friends don't have the courage and drive to do such things, but I say enjoy it while you can. I got a rental and drove down to Clearwater Beach and just enjoyed being on the beach all day. It was such a refreshing experience.

thailand villas said...

Sometimes, going on a trip alone is quite the experience. One can see the beauty of isolation and we can see the world based on our own perspective minus the crowd.
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Elizabeth said...

I've always wanted to take a vacation alone but I'm a big chicken. I'm worried I won't find a good hotel or I'll get lost in a bad part of town or all sorts of other things. There's safety in numbers. Not to mention most of the time I can only afford one trip a year and since we were 18 me and my friends always try to take a trip together every year and I find maintaining my long distance friendships is more important.

This year, though, I have a better job so I might try to take a trip somewhere by myself. I think I would enjoy not being on anybody else's time table and feeling like I have to please other people and do what they want.

flights to Manila said...

Going on vacation alone can be very fun too. It's the time to give yourself a "me-time". You can do everything you want to do. You can go on shopping and more. I've been doing vacation alone for years now and it never bored me. Traveling alone can be a relishing experience.

Mildred Rodriguez said...

By traveling alone, you don't have to worry or wait someone. You can go anywhere and spend time in any way you like.
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