Saturday, August 6, 2011

...Despite All The Warning Signs

I cracked up when I saw this cartoon in a recent issue of The New Yorker magazine (credit cartoonist, Donnelly).  If only life could be this simple and clear, right!?   It made me chuckle about all the warning signs I ignored missed in some of my past encounters.  Like the guy who managed not to mention that he might not actually be divorced (though he's certainly thinking about it). Or the one who didn't tell me he "goes for the jugular" in any argument, no matter how minor.  Or the one who forgot to mention his serious shoe fetish...and if it's not indulged, he can't "function".  (sigh)

And then I thought, "well, this needn't be limited to dating", because look at all the other times in my life when it would have been so great to know who/what I was really dealing with.  If only these people had their Warning Signs attached to their clothing it would have saved me a headache or two:

  • My new roommate who was the most notorious liar I've ever come across.  Among other deceits, she didn't mention her 6-year-old son...until she brought him back for a visit (that didn't end) one month into our roommateship-with-signed-lease.

  • The smiley, really irrational Boss Man whose logic trail I just couldn't follow.  (Didn't end on a happy note...although, in a way, it kinda did).

  • The neighbor I have to duck because he didn't tell me before I befriended him that he goes on and on and on about not much at all, but always disguised as a really important complaint.

And then I started to think "well, what Warning Signs should I be wearing on my clothes"?  That I don't have a lot of patience?  That's all I'm willing to reveal.  Until everyone starts posting their Warnings, I'm not giving away all of mine, either!

What Warning Signs do you wish you'd seen...known...avoided?

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Nicole said...

I simply love this! Noticed you popped by my blog on Blog Frog.. thought I would check yours out. You definitely have a new follower! Great - LOVE the idea of warning signs. And let me tell you.. my husband had tons of red flags.. but you know how "some of us are" that silly heart got in the way. ;-)

Abby said...

Oh good lord. Hindsight is 20/20, no? I'll put a positive spin on my naivete and say that I (should) learn something from every experience.

I'm pretty good at seeing the signs and going with my gut, but I often give people too much credit, ignore the signs and end up regretting it. At least I can blog about it if it's funny (or bitch about it if it's not) ;)

From LBS.

Anonymous said...

I had a guy who went for the jugular too, that was brutal. What I wish I could have seen was the gymaniac disguised as a science teacher who kept counting my carbs during every meal.

monicastangledweb said...

Just discovered your blog through LBS and I LOVE it. Great title, great purpose. I can definitely relate. I've been married once and once is enough. From time to time, people ask me (including my ex-father-in-law) if I've met someone yet. They mean marriage. My life is full and answer is no. Anyway, if you have a club, please consider me a member. And a new subscriber. Thanks for giving us a voice! I have a blog too, which I hope you'll check out,
Congrats on your BlogHer Voice award. I'm at BlogHer11 right now and am really enjoying it.

Anonymous said...

What's your Twitter ID? I tried clicking on the little bird, but it didn't take me to your account. Would like to follow you, so please let me know. Thanks!

Traci Marie Wolf said...

Great post. I think my warning signs would be small print paragraphs like....

Loves bad boys but once you start driving her crazy with your bad boy ways, she will not hesitate to drop you because she's been hurt too many times already and no longer can put up with it. You will be shocked and she will not care.

he he, I think based on my new husband that I've grown in this area.

Leah said...

Warning: Loves emotional intimacy, but just wants to be friends - will not sleep with you.

eleanore said...

One thing most of us could probably be better at is listening to our gut instincts and choosing not to ignore or sugarcoat the warning signs.

michaela z said...

it is great fun to reflect on what your own labels would be. i'm happy to say they have evolved since i first met my husband, but man that would help.
although watching my sister use eharmony, i would say that people too often think they know what they are looking for or looking to avoid - only to miss great opportunities to learn to love someone as imperfect as they may be.
love the posts!

Lin said...

Often boring...