Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Spinsterlicious Man of the Month: Derek McGinty

eSo what's it like for a guy?  A guy who's never been married...has no kids. Is he Spinsterlicious, too, or is there something wrong with him?  Is he having a different experience than mine?  I wonder.  So I asked somebody and he graciously agreed to be the first Spinsterlicious Man of the Month and Guest Blogger.

Derek McGinty is a Washington, DC newscaster, blogger, funny guy, and my good friend, and here's his Spinsterlicious story in his own words :

So this morning I get a call from my Dad and after the small talk I realize I'm in for more of The Talk.

"So, how are you and Cheryl doing?" he asks. I assure him that my girlfriend of 5 months and I are doing just fine. "We're having a really nice time together."

He begins to push the kid agenda again, and I remind him that I'm 51 and she's a tad older and perhaps he ought to let that go...cause we sure have.

Then its on to 'whose gonna take care of me when I'm old? and when that doesn't get any new answers he wonders aloud when I'm going to 'lock this thing down.' As in get married.

Sigh. Ladies, I'm here to tell you we guys go through it too. My Dad (God love him!) has the same dreams for me that yours has for you--marriage and children. And even though my brother and sister have kicked out a total of 5 grand kids for him, he still worries about his eldest boy. (Me.)

But I don't worry. Not anymore. After years of navel gazing and self recriminations, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a fairly commitment phobic guy and probably won't get married (though ya never know!) and I'm okay with it.

I really wanted to meet all those societal expectations. Or at least I wanted to want to. But at 51 you get to know yourself a bit, or at least you should.

And honestly, I am the luckiest guy in the world. I've got a good gig, a woman who knows all about me and loves me regardless... and I'm still healthy enough to enjoy life.

Kids and family are great things, and in a different world I'm sure I'd be living that life and loving it. But in this world? I'm seriously Spinsterlicious, and feeling damn good about that too.

So what do y'all think?  He sounds pretty Spinsterlicious to me.   (Thanks, D!)


Anonymous said...

Spinsterlicious man? Derek McGinty? I know a few people who have met him. Some thought he was OK. Most (they don't know each other, so this isn't a club) don't think he is a very pleasant person. As a matter of fact, they think he is downright cocky and full of himself. I don't think he is a good example. Try someone else.

eleanore said...

@Anonymous: I guess I'd say "to each his own". I've known Derek for many years and I think he's great, though I'm sure he has his off moments (as do I).

I'm open: who can you recommend for next month's Spinsterlicious man?

Anonymous said...

I have never met Mr. McGinty, nor even talked with him. But, I do have a super crush on him since 2001 when he was on ABC News --sorry Cheryl. I am a spinster (never married-- no children), and I am okay as long as I don’t get one of those “talks”. I never thought that males get the “talk” too. Thanks for sharing the male perspective, and thanks for the Spinsterlicious Life Blog.

Anonymous said...

If Derek is so happy with his lady and spinsterlicious then why is he active on

Anonymous said...

Derek McGinty is an amazing person, and I know him very, very well. Between his intelligence, his achievements and the life he's created for himself, he has every reason to be cocky.

Its disconcerting that anyone would take the time to post disparaging comments, while failing to consider how much introspection and courage went into expressing what he had to say. For those disappointed wannabes who thought they could snap their (?) fingers and pull him down like a prized trophy, stop blaming him and just look inward to see how you contributed to your own bitter outcome. Could you be as honest and forthright as he was?

Give credit where credit is due. The social convention of marriage really isn't for everyone. Try celebrating the act of self analysis it took to realize that and be at peace with the consequences.

Disappointed Wannabe

HAP said...

Derek is an ABSOLUTE sweetheart -- down to earth, witty, resourceful, helpful, very humble and candid!! Spinsterlicious label cracked me up and I had to call him to tease him about it... and he said you are not the only one!!

ladies clothing online Australia said...

If a guy chooses not to get married it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with him. I think Derek McGinty is very cool and women would love to be with him.

angelique said...

I've searched the internet for his fashion stleand I must say, he knows how to wear long sleeve t-shirt with printing pretty well. You should've included a picture in this post sir.