Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Spinsterlicious Summer

I love warm weather.  I feel like I really come alive once I don't to put on a coat over a sweater over a thermal undershirt.  In the winter, it takes a lot to get me out of the house.  In the summer, I want to go everywhere.  This summer, I'm really looking forward to a few things:

  • This weekend, a dear friend is visiting from L.A. and a group of us will have dinner on the rooftop deck of her apartment building.  I love eating outdoors.  Everything tastes better.  It can't help but be fun.

  • On Tuesday, I'm hosting a book signing during a wine-tasting at Harlem Vintage, a premier wine shop in New York City. Jai Jai Greenfield, the owner, is excellent at choosing great wines and I'm looking forward to sampling some new varietals to help me get my summer drink on!  (If you're near NYC and want to join us, please do.  Click here for details).

  • I'll be in Washington, DC for the Independence Day holiday.  I grew up in Washington, left it for the Big Apple in 1981, but go back regularly to visit my family and friends.  I always look forward to my visits there, and especially for the July 4th holiday.  The city has a spectacular fireworks display at the Washington Monument and I've been going there since I was a kid.  I always enjoy it just like it's the first time.

  • I'm really  looking forward to my annual pilgrimage to Martha's Vineyard in August.  A group of 4-5 Spinsterlicious ladies go every year for a week of sun, laughs, beach, bike-riding, cocktails, bbqs and just lazy days.  Can't wait. 

  • I also love  Summerstage, which is a series of free or low-cost concerts and plays in NYC's beautiful parks.  Gotta get there early, though. They're seriously popular.

So, what are you looking forward to this summer?

NOTE: The Spinsterlicious Life: 20 Life Lessons for Living Happily Single and Childfree--  is available here and  here, and on Amazon.

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Regina Rodriguez-Martin said...

This summer I look forward to the same thing I look forward to every summer: the end. I'm a winter person (so I'm happy to live in Chicago).

Rhona said...

Sounds like you have some great plans.
For myself, I am looking forward to many trips home to visit my family and new niece. Trip to Boston and a day on the beach at Marthas Vineyard. Summer outtings with friends. Great eats on patios. Hikes. Bike rides. Hosting dinner or lunch or brunch parties. There is too much fun to name. LOVE summer.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your summer list. It's inspiring me to think of some fun things to do this summer. I just broke off a short-term dating relationship and its end is making me want to live life to the fullest! Thanks for the inspiration. I really love the whole concept of your blog.