Monday, January 16, 2012

A Fitness Buddy At Your Spinsterlicious Fingertips

I was invited to participate in a promotion for GaiamTV.comthe first streaming video subscription that offers a range of videos in health, wellness, yoga, fitness and personal development.  I had two immediate first thoughts at the exact same time:  NO, because I don't want to work out...and YES, because I need to work out, and what could be easier?  Workout videos... by my my living room.  My preference would be to not work out... except on occasion... when I feel like it.  But that's not my reality.  

I won't go to a gym, so I have quite a few Pilates, yoga, and strength-training DVDs that I do from time to time.  But after I've done them for awhile I get bored.  I need more variety but I'm not that interested in continually refreshing my supply.  Soooo...I decided to give this service a try.  I was expecting to be disappointed.  I was so wrong.  It's pretty cool.

They say they have over 2000 titles in yoga, Pilates, and cardio.   So far, I've only tried yoga and Pilates, and I was pleased.   I haven't made my way to the cardio section yet, though if I'm going to fit into my swimsuit for my beach vacation next month, I should probably get started.

Here's how it works (and I'm going to copy it from their materials, so I don't get it wrong): 
"Gaiam TV’s yoga and fitness studios are flexible and simple to use. Viewers can customize workouts for weight loss, total body sculpting or increased energy and narrow down their options based on level, style, instructor and amount of available time. With Gaiam TV, viewers can easily search for videos, make playlists and preview selections. Plus, subscribers to Gaiam TV are offered the chance to rate and review Gaiam TV titles.    Instant Access, 24/7 Convenience: Gaiam TV’s entire library of award-winning videos is available anytime, anywhere.  Streaming capabilities for Gaiam TV include personal computers, iPads and smartphones."

What I like about it is it removes all the excuses I have.  It's convenient because I can do it from home anytime I want, I can tailor the fitness level and how long I want to work out so even if I'm feeling on the lazy side I can still get a little in, and it's inexpensive.  A subscription is only $9.95 a month, but Gaiam TV offers a Free 10-day trial, no strings attached.

Check it out, if you're interested.  And if you try it, please write back because I want to hear what you thought about it.  You can post your comments below.

NOTE: Don't forget to visit The Spinsterlicious Life Shop. They make a statement... and a great gift! 

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Rhona said...

I tried it out but the one thing I hate is that you have to plug in your cc details. I would prefer to start paying for the program when I wanted to and not directly after the 10 days where I might forget to cancel. Too bad as I was very excited.

eleanore said...

@Rhona: I agree with you. As a business owner, I understand why they do it that way, but as a consumer I would prefer not.

Sylvia said...

How do they compare with other popular yoga/fitness DVDs? I also tend to work out via DVDs at home and never the gym, but my impression of Gaiam is that they're somewhat on the "easy" or beginner levels.

eleanore said...

@healthily sanguine: I was impressed with the range of videos they offer. You can choose your fitness level (beginner - advanced), as well as the length of time you want to work out (15 mins - 1 hr).

daniellaprice30 said...

Good thing you have much time to go on fitness training and some other workouts. I had a tummy tuck at the New York plastic surgery because my schedule won't permit me to have an exercise and shed off fats.